
Our church has a unicameral system with 18 Elders elected for three rotating years. Each elder is elected by the congregation and ordained for their invaluable role in a special ceremony before the congregation. There are eight standing committees: Maintenance, Finance, Witness, Worship, Personnel, Audit, Christian Education, and Mission.

The Session meets once a month with occasional called meetings. A Congregational Meeting is held annually to approve the budget and elect new Elders. Three Trustees are elected for three-year terms. The Sunday school program is headed by a Superintendent with an assistant and a Secretary-Treasurer. The Women of the Church and the three Circles are a vital and integral part of the church’s operation and progress.

The Session

The 15 Elders of Olivet Presbyterian Church each serve three-year active terms, with 6 being elected every year, although they remain ordained elders for life. In addition to serving together on Session as our "Board of Directors," each is given a specific role, either serving as a liaison to a particular Ministry Team, or in specific tasks.

The Trustees

The trustees, under guidance from the Session, keep track of our church lands and buildings.